Frequently Asked Questions
Will this development be a strain on current resources? ie water / sewer?
This development will provide valuable water infrastructure that will provide looped systems for existing water infrastructure surrounding the development. Additionally, there will be an elevated storage tank site within the development. The Public Works director has stated in open meetings that the water supply for the city is adequate to handle this development.
Will this development increase traffic?
With the development and construction of new homes in any area there are additionally vehicles associated with those new homes. The roadways surrounding this development, FM 549 and SH 205 currently have approved improvement plans through TXDOT and are scheduled to start construction in the next few months. These improvements by TXDOT will double the capacity of these roads. The development will also provide critical East / West connections and provide multiple points of entry / exit for the Summer Set Park Development.
Is the developer responsible for the construction of these roads?
The developer is not responsible for the improvements of roadways under TXDOT authority. The developer is responsible for constructing roadways within the development including the city thoroughfares within the development.
This is a lot of homes and seems like high density development. Can’t you decrease the density?
This development encompasses 536 acres of property. With 885 home sites, there is 1.65 homes per acre. The allowable homes per acre by the Our Hometown 2050 plan is 2.5 homes per acre.
What type of homes will be in this development? Are these starter homes?
Juniper is a quality development that will have multiple home builders. We anticipate homes will range from $600K to over $1.5 million. These homes will not be starter homes.
Will this affect my home value?
With the construction of new homes and higher price points, home values will typically rise due to the additional comparison sales surrounding the development.
What other developments in Rockwall will this development be comparable to?
Juniper is a unique development within the city as it incorporates such a wide range of potential home sites. Potential residents will be able to choose from lots sizes that range from 1.5 acre down to 62-foot-wide lots.
62-foot-wide lot seems pretty small, will the homes be small?
The minimum home size will be 2,750 square feet on 62-foot-wide lots. Homes on larger lots have larger minimum square footages.
What all types of lots will be in the development?
Juniper will consist of 62’, 72’, 82’, 100’, ¾ acre, 1 acre and 1.5 acre lots
How will this effect the school district?
With additional homes come new students. Rockwall ISD has been planning for this particular property and this property is part of their overall growth plan. This plan is actually a lower number of homes than what the district is planning for.
With full build-out happening over a decade (and potentially longer based on economic factors), the student population will not increase all at once.
Are the trees being protected?
There are several tree lines that are being protected along the southern boundary of the development. Additionally, the development incorporates a tree preservation easement along the shared property line with Somerset Park.
Does the development have trails?
Juniper has 7.45 miles of designated trail through out the development that provide walk-ability for multiple existing developments access to the school sites around it.
Can you make the lots larger?
We have worked very hard to incorporate like-size homes to the surrounding neighborhoods. There are 5 different neighborhoods adjacent to this property and each one has a different lot size and different densities. This development matches up to each of the surrounding areas with a similar or lower density. We have incorporated larger lots adjacent to neighborhoods where there are larger lots.